my heraldry

Greetings to my fellow fiber junkies

A little more about myself

This is me and Janos!

My name is Virginia Prevost or Duchess Rachel Wallace, OL in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronisms). I'm currently just a plain, old generic Duchess of Atlantia. We are the heads of our household, House Platypi. I live in Lexington, SC, which is known as the Canton of Cyddlain Downs, Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Kingdom of Altantia.
I have been weaving for over 10 years now. I started off with Inkle weaving and when I wanted more of a challenge, I moved to tablet weaving.
I also enjoy costuming, making heraldic banners, equestrian activities, dancing, and combat archery. My lord Husband and I also have maintained the shield tree for the last nine Crown Tournies.

Pics of friends

? 1999